Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Climbing Training

Just a quick note, for anyone following the training regime I posted about where you hang for around 7 seconds and them rest for 3 then repeat 7 times I made a little mp3 with beeps in the right places to practise to, quite effective, if people want it I'm sure I can find a way to post it.


Is a condition in which the limbs are unusually long, wild stuff eh! I know nothing about it except that... but a cool word I think.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


I'm back!

Did you miss me?

No of course not. SO I'm revising for what is basically my finals - at least that's how I'm thinking about it. Its comprehensives, exams on all the core of the course form the first 3 years. They focus on getting us to "think", putting different bits of physics together in each question. It's a right pain...